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New functionality on AirShare Pilot web

AirShare web app update July 2024

The AirShare Pilot website has been updated and includes some new functions available to drone pilots such as alerts of nearby flights activated, visibility of map layers, and hours of service at Airways’ control towers.

First-of-its-kind flight trials integrate uncrewed aircraft into controlled airspace

A partnership of aviation leaders has successfully completed a first-of-its-kind trial, including a series of test flights aimed at evaluating the operational integration of uncrewed aircraft flying beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) into controlled airspace. The successful completion of these trial test flights in New Zealand demonstrates that safe, uncrewed flight operations are possible, today, in controlled airspace among other piloted aircraft. 

Set up flights as favourites

This video shows how to set up flights as favourites in the AirShare web app. This function will be of use to drone operators regularly flying in the same area.